FAQ for Students


For students

The Discovery Scholars Program currently seeks applications from students in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences and HEST who wish to work with faculty mentors in their colleges. Thank you for considering mentoring a student through this program.

Mentoring DSP scholars is a rewarding experience, mutually beneficial for the scholar and the mentor.  If you have never been a DSP mentor and want to know more, check out the FAQ below or contact us with specific questions.

DSP is completely free for scholars and mentors!
The DSP sometimes has grants available to support scholars’ research and professional development, but we cannot guarantee funding availability from semester to semester.
The duration of your time in DSP depends on your graduation date, which should be kept in mind when designing the scope of your project with your mentor. Most scholars finish their DSP projects within 2-3 semesters, but if the project is completed in more or less time, that is not problematic.
The scope of your project should be decided in a conversation between you and your mentor. The project should be a new intellectual/artistic contribution that can be completed within the time you have available (in your schedule and prior to graduation).
Your project should be a new intellectual or artistic endeavor, not something for which you are already receiving course credit. Your project can be related to work you have done in a class or a lab setting, but you should have some intellectual contribution to it that sets it apart from work already being done.
Completing the project, regardless of the outcome, is never a “fail!” So long as you complete your project and achieve your professional development goals, you will remain a DSP scholar.
We ask that you update us at least three times throughout your time in the program:
1. When you complete half of your professional development goals.
2. When you finish your professional development goals.
3. When you finish your project.
We will celebrate your progress with new and better DSP swag as you make progress. Just head back to this website and click Scholar Updates to find our update forms.
Of course! Please just email us whenever you need to update anything about your project, mentor, and/or goals. We will reach out to your current mentor to confirm all changes.
Most DSP scholars follow the following steps when preparing to apply to DSP:
1. Find a mentor (e.g., favorite professor, lab instructor, etc.).
2. Discuss DSP with your mentor and agree upon a project (see the FAQ for more).
3. Describe your project in one simple-language paragraph.
4. Identify the project completion milestones and professional development goals you want to pursue while actively in DSP (see the application page for examples).
5. Apply to DSP.
6. Get a DSP t-shirt just for getting started!