FAQ for Mentors


For mentors

The Discovery Scholars Program currently seeks applications from students in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences and HEST who wish to work with faculty mentors in their colleges. Thank you for considering mentoring a student through this program.

Mentoring DSP scholars is a rewarding experience, mutually beneficial for the scholar and the mentor. If you have never been a DSP mentor and want to know more, check out the FAQ below or contact us with specific questions.

This is totally up to you! Each mentor-scholar relationship is unique and discipline-specific, so the time commitment depends on the scope of the project. Many mentors find that scheduling regular (or semi-regular) meetings works best, but the choice is up to you and your scholar. All we ask is that you devote sufficient time to work closely with your scholar so that they receive the guidance and direction necessary to succeed.
There is no pre-determined deadline. The only "real" deadline is the scholar's graduation date, so this should be kept in mind during project development. Scholars can (and often do!) continue to work with their mentors even after the DSP project is complete.
Again, this is totally up to you! We recommend that mentors and scholars establish project milestones and timelines early, and agree upon a work schedule (e.g., decide whether some work will need to be completed on weekends or between semesters, settle on a meeting schedule, etc.). The DSP Team will not impose any time requirements on mentors and scholars.
DSP Scholars have a great deal of drive and potential, and they often possess many skills already. That said, it is important to keep in mind that they are not graduate students, so your expectations should be tailored accordingly. The ultimate goal is for mentors to encourage scholars' growth, independence, responsibility, and professional development.
This is entirely up to you and the scholar. The project should be an original piece of scholarship that is not part of the scholar's regular credited coursework, and should be one to which the scholar intellectually contributes (i.e., they should not be thought of as research assistants). Projects should be feasible within the scholar's abilities and time constraints (e.g., graduate deadline, course and work schedules, prior training, familial obligations, etc.), but the scope is otherwise up to you.
The DSP Team keeps minimal "tabs" on mentors, unless you need us. The program is designed to encourage growth and collaboration between the scholar and the mentor, and we will not micromanage that. We trust you to do what is best for your scholar and project.
Yes and no. Scholars should report on their progress via our website, and we recommend that mentors check in with their scholars about their progress at least once per semester (but hopefully more!). If you and your scholar needs to modify their goals, simply email us and let us know.
DSP will sometimes receive funding to help support scholars' activities, but there is no funding currently available. When funding is available, it is typically made to the scholar.